The Top 10 Ways Dogs Help Kids Learn Kindness, Responsibility, and Safety around Animals

Many people have asked me the question: "So exactly how does your program teach children lessons in compassion, responsibility, and safety around dogs?" Although my usual preference is to write articles and stories on my blog, I decided that perhaps it was time to create a video that showcases the top 10 lessons children learn about humane education during this program. In this video I share how each lesson is taught, highlighting engaging children's literature that helps children to learn each concept, and fun and creative activities to reinforce each skill.

But for all of you readers out there who prefer the printed word to a video screen, I've also included an overview of my top 10 list below for your enjoyment. Happy viewing and reading!

The Top 10 Lessons Children Learn about Kindness, Responsibility, and Safety around Dogs

  1. How to meet a new dog safely.
  2. Behaviors that are ok and not ok around dogs.
  3. How to spend quality time with their pets.
  4. How to read a dog's body language.
  5. What a shelter dog is.
  6. To think big about how they can help animals.
  7. What a service dog is.
  8. That dogs have special needs, too.
  9. How to love themselves the way their dogs do.
  10. What it means to "foster" and "adopt" a dog.

To learn more about this program and how you can implement it at your school, please visit today!


Dr. Lori